Rosso Mille Miglia
A dust cloud created by a divine four wheels car takes shape from the pavement and follows the car for a while. Both the car and the dust let fly an unwitting charm that leads to dream.
It is not a fleeting appearance but it’s the beginning of a mysterious and almost enchanted adventure that, going backwards in time, leads to the revelation of the secret between two friends and to the recreation of a truth which has remained uncomfortable for too long…. And what happens when past knocks at the door of the present time?
A hungry journalist, a passionate auto mechanic, an unwitting barman sew up the pieces of the story together which is addressed to bring back to the top a jewel whose destiny is to shine. Other characters are involved and each one contributes to reveal little by little what time has kept in the dark. Coincidences, instinct and will lead Maria Esse, the young journalist, Marco, the mechanic, Adelaide, the mother of Maria Esse and the other characters to the inescapable truth.
Time shapes the rhythm of the events and help the leading characters to celebrate and consecrate “the most beautiful race in the world”, each year renovated and always upscaled.
As an elegant chronographer, Mille Miglia is the result of a perfect mechanism made of brilliance, care, passionate nature, balance. This story, between lights and shadows, comes to a special ending as happened to Nuvolari in 1930 when he brilliantly switched off the car lights to overtake the pilot ahead by surprise and sensationally won the ride...
Without age restrictions, 0+.
Maria Esse vive a Berlino e non ha fatto ritorno in Italia da molti anni. L'occasione del ritorno le viene offerta dalla nuova edizione della Mille Miglia, sulla quale deve scrivere un pezzo per conto di un giornale tedesco. La passione per la storica corsa è una vera e propria eredità di famiglia: suo nonno Aurelio Moraschi, infatti, di Mille Miglia ne ha corse tante. Finché non ha smesso per una ragione che alla ragazza è sempre stata tenuta nascosta. Dopo un banale incidente, Maria Esse conosce Marco, il meccanico del paese, grande appassionato di auto, che sogna da sempre di partecipare alla gara. Lo faranno insieme.
A film by Claudio Uberti
Cast: Martina Stella, Fabio Troiano, Francesca Rettondini, Remo Girone, Victoria Zinny
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