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7 Km da Gerusalemme

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7 Km da Gerusalemme

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Alessandro Forte came up to a deep crises. Obscure reasons and facts take him to Jerusalem. He decides to walk all the way down to the seaside, but at the distance of 7 miles there’s a weird person coming towards him: he’s wearing tunic, sandals and pretends to be Jesus. Alessandro thinks this may be a street artist but Jesus insists, he calls his name and tells he knows many things about him. From this moment on, the two characters start a friendship. Alessandro poses different questions, and “Jesus” answers properly. The doubts are mysteries that billions of people would like to have an answer about. Discussions never speak about abstract ideologies or declarations about human destiny. All truths are coming out through everyday life’s experience. Time after time there’s a better understanding between them. Jesus orders Alessandro 3 commitments, which will not be revealed. Back home, Alessandro takes back his life. The commitments are done, but he misses Jesus. He will never appear again, even though Alessandro calls and searches for him. Nothing. Was it really a dream or delirium? Nevertheless, something changed...

From the novel of the same name by Pino Farinotti.


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